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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Up Next in Killer Card Tricks with No Sleight of Hand

  • Hindu Shuffle Force

    It's simple, it's easy and best of all? It's even self-working. Feel the full impact of a powerful force with half the effort.

  • The Glide

    This next move will appear to be nothing short of a miracle to your spectator. How could you possibly change the appearance of the bottom card in an instant? Or maybe the better question is, how can you appear to change the appearance of the bottom card in an instant?

  • Double Lift

    If you plan on advancing with your card magic, you're definitely going to want to know this next move, the Double Lift. What's a double lift? Exactly what it sounds like. After this video, you'll be able to covertly turn over two cards as if they were one.