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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Band up the Nose

HotShot With Rubber Bands • 2m 1s

Up Next in HotShot With Rubber Bands

  • Rising Ring on Band

    This move may look like an inconceivable feat, but it's actually quite simple when you really get down to it. Ben demonstrates and explains the secrets behind the infamous rubber band trick, Rising Ring on Band. It'll look as if you've honed the ability to move things with just your mind, no phys...

  • Band Thru Sharpie

    You're going to need to borrow a Sharpie for this move. You'll wrap the band around it a few times, really making it stick on the marker. It really looks like it's completely trapped on there. Ben will show you how to remove it in a flash, though. Proving that maybe it wasn't so stuck on there af...

  • Thumb Penetration

    In this tutorial, Ben teaches how to effortlessly diffuse a rubber band through your thumb in front of an audience that will be studying and scrutinizing your every move. After they watch you masterfully complete this move, they won't have anything to critique. They won't even be able to comprehe...