Transposition Extraordinary
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
5m 32s
REQUIRED two packs, one red-backed, the other blue, also a double-backed card, one side red the other side blue, to match the packs. The double-backed card is set, blue side up on the blue-backed pack. Allow a spectator to take any card from the blue pack, examine it and place it face up on that pack. Suppose it is the 5D. Hand the red pack to another spectator and have him remove the same card, 5D, from that pack and place it face out on the back. Pick up the blue pack, make a double lift taking the 5D and the double-backed card as one. Put the pack down, take the red-backed 5D and put it face down below the two cards in the left hand. The two 5D's are now back to back, with the double-backed card between, and its backs face in opposite directions to the backs of the two cards. Turn the three cards over several times to confuse the spectators, then lift the top card off by sliding it towards you, saying, 'I will place this red card on top of this blue pack.' Lay the card, really the blue-backed 5D face up on the face-down blue pack. As the card in your left hand has a blue back showing, the spectators naturally are sure the red-backed 5D has really been put on the blue pack. The double-backed cards and the red 5D are placed face up on the back of the red pack, thus bringing the red back of the double-backed card uppermost. Put the two 5D's face up into the packs on which they lie, being careful not to expose the backs. Order the cards to return to their respective packs and show that this extraordinary mystery has taken place. You may hand the blue pack to a spectator to verify the return of the blue card, thus both packs will have been freely handled.
Up Next in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
Remote Control
TWO packs are required; one red-backed, the other blue-also a double-back card, one side red the other side blue. The red side is prepared with diachylon and the card is placed red side down on top of the blue pack. All is then ready. Hand out both packs to be shuffled. Take them back and from th...
Double Back Card Force
TWO packs are required, one blue-backed, the other red, together with a double-backed card one side of which is red and the other blue. From the red pack take any card and place it face upwards third from the bottom of the blue pack. Under this put the card you wish to force, face downwards, and ...
Double Card Prediction
IN ADDITION to a double-backed card you require an envelope, a slip of paper and a pencil. Beforehand take any two cards, say AC and 2S and write their names on the slip of paper. Put this in the envelope and fasten the flap down. Place any indifferent card face up between the face-down AC and 2S...