Remote Control
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
4m 22s
TWO packs are required; one red-backed, the other blue-also a double-back card, one side red the other side blue. The red side is prepared with diachylon and the card is placed red side down on top of the blue pack. All is then ready. Hand out both packs to be shuffled. Take them back and from the blue pack take out the double-backed card, first loosening it from the card to which it adheres, and place it, red side downwards on your right hand. Call attention to the fact that no one can possibly have any idea what card it is except yourself. Take the red-backed pack in your left hand and put both hands behind your back, saying that you will put the blue-backed card in amongst the red-backed cards so that nobody can tell just whereabouts it is. What you really do is to put the double-backed card with its red side upwards on top of the pack. Bring the pack forward and spread it face upwards on the table, that is, all except the top two or three cards. Invite a spectator to look over the faces of the row of cards, mentally select one then put his finger on it and push it out of the row, still face up. Gather up the rest of the pack and put it face down in your left hand. Pick up the selected card and lay it face up on the pack, that is, on the prepared back of the double-backed card. Quietly press it firmly and squarely so that the two adhere, then with the left thumb push them, as one card, on to the table. Hand the pack to the spectator who initialed the blue back and ask him to take out that card. He cannot find it, there is no blue-backed card in the pack. Turn the card on the table, it is blue-backed and bears his initials. By remote control you have caused that one card to be picked from the fifty-two cards of the pack.
Up Next in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
Double Back Card Force
TWO packs are required, one blue-backed, the other red, together with a double-backed card one side of which is red and the other blue. From the red pack take any card and place it face upwards third from the bottom of the blue pack. Under this put the card you wish to force, face downwards, and ...
Double Card Prediction
IN ADDITION to a double-backed card you require an envelope, a slip of paper and a pencil. Beforehand take any two cards, say AC and 2S and write their names on the slip of paper. Put this in the envelope and fasten the flap down. Place any indifferent card face up between the face-down AC and 2S...
Hat and Card Change
REQUIRED. a double-faced card, say AH-KD. Put this on the bottom of a regular pack showing the AH face, next to it place the unprepared KD and in the middle of the pack, reversed, put the AH. Begin by taking off the two bottom cards, showing their faces and drop them into the hat. Remove the doub...