Double Back Card Force
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
5m 5s
TWO packs are required, one blue-backed, the other red, together with a double-backed card one side of which is red and the other blue. From the red pack take any card and place it face upwards third from the bottom of the blue pack. Under this put the card you wish to force, face downwards, and under this card any indifferent card. You now have the force card second from the bottom with a reversed card above it. On the red pack put the double-backed card, red side upwards. To make the force, take the blue pack and riffle shuffle it, being careful not to disturb the three bottom cards. Turn the pack face up and riffle till a spectator calls 'Stop'. Take the double-backed card from the top of the red pack, being careful not to expose its face, and insert it at this point, square the pack and cut it several times. Fan the pack face downwards. The only red back to show will be the card you previously put in the pack reversed. Show all the other cards are blue-backed and allow the spectator to remove the card under the red-backed card. The force is made. Openly remove the red-backed card and return it to the red-backed pack, showing that it is an ordinary card. The double-backed card remains in the blue pack to be used in your next trick or secretly removed, as the case may be.
Up Next in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
Double Card Prediction
IN ADDITION to a double-backed card you require an envelope, a slip of paper and a pencil. Beforehand take any two cards, say AC and 2S and write their names on the slip of paper. Put this in the envelope and fasten the flap down. Place any indifferent card face up between the face-down AC and 2S...
Hat and Card Change
REQUIRED. a double-faced card, say AH-KD. Put this on the bottom of a regular pack showing the AH face, next to it place the unprepared KD and in the middle of the pack, reversed, put the AH. Begin by taking off the two bottom cards, showing their faces and drop them into the hat. Remove the doub...
Hunter's Aces
THE plot of the trick is the usual one. Four A's are placed on a table and three indifferent cards put on each. One pile is chosen, the A's vanish from the other three piles and all four are found in the pile selected. The use of double-faced cards makes the trick easy to work and very convincing...