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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Double Back Card Force

Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter • 5m 5s

Up Next in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter

  • Double Card Prediction

    IN ADDITION to a double-backed card you require an envelope, a slip of paper and a pencil. Beforehand take any two cards, say AC and 2S and write their names on the slip of paper. Put this in the envelope and fasten the flap down. Place any indifferent card face up between the face-down AC and 2S...

  • Hat and Card Change

    REQUIRED. a double-faced card, say AH-KD. Put this on the bottom of a regular pack showing the AH face, next to it place the unprepared KD and in the middle of the pack, reversed, put the AH. Begin by taking off the two bottom cards, showing their faces and drop them into the hat. Remove the doub...

  • Hunter's Aces

    THE plot of the trick is the usual one. Four A's are placed on a table and three indifferent cards put on each. One pile is chosen, the A's vanish from the other three piles and all four are found in the pile selected. The use of double-faced cards makes the trick easy to work and very convincing...