Tips & Tricks with a HotRod - The Complete Course on

Tips & Tricks with a HotRod - The Complete Course on

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The HotRod magically changes from having multicolor gems to all the gems turning the same color with nothing but a quick flick of the wrist!

The Effect:
A stick is shown with six different colors, same on both sides. A spectator selects a color. With a little jerk of the stick, the stick changes completely into the spectator's selected color! There are TWO secret forces and depending on which hotrod you buy, it will either be BLUE or RED.

The Paddle Move:
This is a deceptive technique used to show the same side twice, hiding the other actual side. This is a two part move: turn your wrist over and roll the HotRod with your thumb and index finger. The larger motion of turning hides the smaller motion of twisting/rolling. Do this same move in reverse to return the HotRod to the original position (Paddle Move in Reverse). Use a mirror to practice your angles.

So simple to perform yet producing amazing results.
This is easy magic for magicians of any age and skill level.

Tips & Tricks with a HotRod - The Complete Course on