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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Up Next in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter

  • Ariel's Card Control

    BEFOREHAND arrange a pack of cards so that every second card from the top is a H, thus; the second card, the fourth card, the sixth card and so on are all H's, running from the A up to the 10. In your right-hand coat pocket have a set of duplicate H cards in the same order. Ask a spectator to cal...

  • Svengali Deck

    THIS special pack consists of twenty-six ordinary cards, all different, and twenty-six short cards all of the same suit and value. The latter may be narrower as well as shorter, but short duplicates only are generally used. The pack is set up by arranging the two sets alternately, thus every othe...

  • Little Heaps of Card