The Master's Touch
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
7m 40s
In gathering up the cards after the last trick, reset the pack and continue as follows:
After false shuffling the pack and having it cut several times with complete cuts, borrow an envelope and hand it with a pencil and a pad to a spectator. Approach another person, fan the pack behind your back and ask him to take out a group of cards, half a dozen or so in a bunch. Say, 'Don't look at them yet, just have them put in the envelope without even counting them and seal the envelope.' While this is being done, cut the cards so that the card just above the packet removed becomes the bottom card of the pack. This bottom card indicates where you are to start when naming the cards in the envelope, while the top card gives the clue for the card to stop it. Have someone genuinely blindfold you this time since all the information necessary has already been acquired. Touch the envelope with your fingertips and ask the spectator holding the pad and pencil to be ready to jot down the names of the cards as you call them. When you call the last card ask how many you have named, say it is six. Pretend to weigh the envelope carefully and then declare the number is right. Have the cards taken out, their names called and verified.
Up Next in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
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