Svengali Deck
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
THIS special pack consists of twenty-six ordinary cards, all different, and twenty-six short cards all of the same suit and value. The latter may be narrower as well as shorter, but short duplicates only are generally used. The pack is set up by arranging the two sets alternately, thus every other card from the top of the pack is a card of the same suit and value. Burling Hull in his Sealed Mysteries claims its invention and that he copyrighted it in 1909. The Svengali pack soon leaped into wide popularity and into the hands of street peddlers. Many thousands of packs must have been sold, and are still selling, and yet its use must not be despised by magicians on that account. Like many other weapons in the magicians' armory it can be used even amongst people who know the principle without their suspicions being aroused.
Up Next in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
Little Heaps of Card
A Simple Effect
Cutting the Deck with a Knife
WHEN a knife blade is thrust into the ruffled pack it will, as has already been seen, rest on the back of the force card. If, however, you want to have the card appear as the bottom card of the upper portion, thrust the point of the knife in a downward direction which will bring it below the shor...