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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Card through Handkerchief

Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter • 2m 5s

Up Next in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter

  • Stripper Stabbing

    AFTER the usual preliminaries, the pack with the chosen card reversed in it is returned to you. Shuffle it overhand by the ends and bring the chosen card to the top. Put the pack on the table, and cut it into two heaps. Borrow a handkerchief and a penknife, open one blade and lay the knife down. ...

  • New Card Locator

    TAKE any court card face downward and place a sixpence on the center of its back. Hold the coin firmly with the thumbs and press firmly and evenly with the fingers from underneath all around the card. The shape of the coin will be clearly impressed on the card, a rim, imperceptible to the eye, be...

  • Corner Shorts vs Traditional Shorts