Stripper Stabbing
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
4m 33s
AFTER the usual preliminaries, the pack with the chosen card reversed in it is returned to you. Shuffle it overhand by the ends and bring the chosen card to the top. Put the pack on the table, and cut it into two heaps. Borrow a handkerchief and a penknife, open one blade and lay the knife down. Fold the handkerchief and have it tied over your eyes. You still can see all that is necessary down the sides of your nose. Ask a spectator to stand alongside of you, to guide your hands on to the two packets of cards, then to place his hands on top of yours. Now move your hands and the spectator's around and around, thoroughly spreading and mixing the cards but carefully keeping the selected card, which was the top card, under your left thumb. Thus at the end of the spreading you can see exactly where the card lies. Ask for the penknife, don't pick it up yourself. Move the point around in circles, then suddenly and dramatically plunge it down, stabbing the card. Have the card named, lift off the blindfold, and show the card on the point of the knife.
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