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Easy Coin Magic: 60+ Effects To Choose From • 1m 4s

Up Next in Easy Coin Magic: 60+ Effects To Choose From

  • The Matrix Secret

    There are limitless ways to pull your audience into this trick. You can tell the story about a family of magicians who can transport to different cities. At the beginning of the year, they were all spread out across the country. After some big news, the father magician tells his wife and kids to ...

  • Chinese Coin Assembly

    Starting with the classic Matrix Position, you'll have four coins displayed. Instead of using cards like before, you'll only need to use your hands to make the coins travel across the table at your will. A few waves of your hands and soon enough all the coins have found there way back to each oth...

  • Fingertip Coins Across

    Now its time for one of the most popular coin plots in all of modern coin magic, Fingertip Coins Across. It's also known by the more popular name that Chris Kenner gave his rendition, the Free Fly. Soon as you watch this tutorial, you'll understand why it's garnered such a good reputation. You'll...