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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Up Next in Easy Coin Magic: 60+ Effects To Choose From

  • Back Clip

    The Back Clip, also known as the Tenkai Pinch, the coin disappears by being quite literally clipped out to the back the hand. Once you've ushered the coin out the rear side of your hand, your pinky will clip it into place. If you're careful to mind your angles when performing this move, it'll giv...

  • Back Palm

    Now, Ben presents a classic coin move from the olden days of coin manipulation. To perform the Back Palm, you'll do just that - palm the coin on the backside of your hand. You'll swoop your two middle fingers down and underneath the coin, scooping to the back of your hand. Perfecting this move wi...

  • Deep Back Clip

    Now we have the Deep Back Clip, a production maneuver. You'll start with just one, singular coin. Then, with one slight toss - another with miraculously appear out of thin air. Remember, this is another move only to be used when your audience is gathered close around you looking down at your han...