Rising Card Performance
Easy Card Tricks You Can Make at Home
1m 9s
Are you ready for greatness with your card tricks? Many magicians call this effect “The Angel Card” for its miraculous qualities. Spread out the deck and show your spectator the cards are all different. Then freely choose any card. You riffle thru the deck and have them stop you at any spot, placing their card inside. After a quick shuffle, the entire deck is placed back in the case. In a moment, their card slowly rises from the case. This is a very memorable way to reveal anyone’s chosen card!
Marty Grams specializes in magic that you can make from everyday objects. His mission is to clearly explain how some of the coolest magic tricks can be invented or improved in easy ways. And it won’t cost you a lot of cash buying special props. Make sure to check out another series on this platform with Marty: “Make You Can Make At Home.”
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Magicians have been hiding this secret in the vault for many years. Now, it’s your turn to join the club. The best part about this method is there’s no magnets or thread involved. No weights, no wax, and no tape. The key is to cut out a vertical window in the front of the card case, giving enough...
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