Now You See Em!
DominaTricks: 25 Self Working Card Tricks
3m 28s
In another Frank Garcia trick, Now You See Em!, you'll melt your spectator's chosen four of a kind straight out of the deck. Right before their eyes! Unfortunately though, you're going to need those four of a kind later when you want to play cards again. No worries, all it takes is a simple snap of your fingers for the cards to return as the only face-up cards in your fan.
Up Next in DominaTricks: 25 Self Working Card Tricks
Do as I Do
One of the great "daddies" of card magic is the Do as I Do principle. A classic trick that was featured in the Anthony Hopkins film, Magic, in its most basic form. Simon demonstrates how it was performed in Magic and another version that was published by Frank Garcia. No matter what you do, just ...
Scarne's Topsy Turvy Cards
Scarne's Topsy Turvy Cards was the brain child of John Scarne and Bob Hummer. Simon demonstrates the original version of this trick, after which he performs one with his own little twist. When the trick has been completed, the cards in both of your piles will be all mixed around, up and down... o...
Topsy Turvy with a Chosen Card
Topsy Turvy is a great way to do the face up and down prediction move, but it's not the only way to do this that Scarne and Hummer ever created. This move uses the cards in a slightly different way, though. Instead of mixing the deck up even more, you'll be sorting it out completely... well, all ...