Color Changing Deck - Secret
Color Changing Deck
2m 29s
Setup: All you need is two regular decks of playing cards with different colored backs and their card boxes. We will use the example of starting with a red deck as shown in the video. You will also need a double-backed card with red back on one side and blue on the other. You can make your own by using double-sided tape to combine a red and blue backed card together to appear as one card. Place that special gimmicked card on top of the deck before you begin.
To convince your spectators the deck is red, use the simple Hindu shuffle to show different face-up cards as you slowly peel off more of the deck. However, the entire time, you will only be showing the back of the top card repeatedly.
Pro Tip: Leave the card box for the red deck on the table during the performance. This creates consistent visual contrast in the mind of your viewers. When the entire deck changes to blue, they will still see the card box remains red…just like the deck “appeared to be.”
Reza also teaches another course on this platform: “Reza’s Favorite Tricks.” He focuses on tricks that you can easily make with everyday objects at home.