Amazing Tricks: Learn Easy Magic with Master Magician Reza
Ready to know how these audience favorites work? Master Magician, Reza, reveals the unbelievable methods that make these tricks absolutely mind-blowing. It’s not everyday a world-famous performer wants to help you level-up your magic skills. And now, he’s excited to show you 16 of the very best close-up magic tricks. Best of all, you can perform them almost instantly. “The Wizard” and “Notepad Prediction” are total knockouts in this series. Start adding these insane tricks to your next magic show within minutes!
Cards in Balloon - Performance
It’s time to learn from a famous master magician! Make a deck of cards completely penetrate into a regular balloon. The best part…you can take this trick anywhere you go. And it doesn’t have any difficult moves to learn. Reza has made a name for himself in the world of magic entertainment, perfor...
Cards in Balloon - Secret
Science meets magic in this crazy trick reveal. All you need is a normal sized balloon and any deck of cards to begin. You can also use a spectator’s cell phone as a memorable prop instead of a deck. Whatever object you choose must have four corners. Blow up the balloon to a normal size. Hold the...
Arm Twist - Performance
Want to have a trick ready for the audience that craves something shocking? Master Magician, Reza, has prepared this just for you! It’s a fantastic effect to do with a volunteer following your every move, except they won’t be able to replicate your final move. Show them how everyone has a limit w...
Arm Twist - Secret
Setup: You don’t need any special jackets or magic props to perform this effect. However, it usually works best with long sleeves so the audience cannot see the position of your elbow, which could give away the method. Follow along with the arm positions shown by Reza and be careful to not injure...
Book Mind Reading - Performance
Mind reading seems like science fiction. But you’re about to find out how easy it can be once you know a few secrets. As you flip through a book, the spectator says “stop” anywhere. Turn the book upside down and have them circle a word on that selected page. Remind them there are thousands of wor...
Book Mind Reading - Secret
All you need is a normal black marker, a dried-out matching marker, and a paperback book. Now, you’re ready to get started.
Setup: Circle a few words on a page in the middle of a paperback book with a black marker. There should be a bigger word that stands out among the others. Slightly bend ... -
The Wizard - Performance
Your friend “The Wizard” knows impossible things. They see everything from a distance using remote viewing, or so they claim. This card trick is truly something special. Your audience member will remember it for the rest of their life. Any card is chosen from the deck. Your spectator is the only ...
The Wizard - Secret
Setup: All you need is a regular deck of cards and a cell phone. An easier version of this trick is to spread the deck face-up and let the spectator pull out a card so you can both see it. To add another layer of deception, follow along and stack your deck as Reza shows. This will allow you to pe...
Ashes on Palm - Performance
This effect is will burn itself into the memories of everyone who sees it. Have a spectator hold out both hands with closed fists. Once they choose one hand, you put a small dot on the top of their hand with a black marker. After you slightly rub the marker with your finger, they will rotate thei...
Ashes on Palm - Secret
Flip Out - Performance
This incredible trick is a must for any magician who wants to perform a stunning card effect. A spectator chooses any card, memorizes it, and returns the card anywhere inside the deck. You show them all the cards face up, so they can see their card is randomly mixed in with the others. You place ...
Flip Out - Secret
Melting Point - Performance
This is by far one of the most famous and easy to learn rubber bank tricks ever invented. Mysteriously cause two rubber bands to melt through each other. This trick is so seamless and smooth that even people watching closely will not see the method. It can be performed with any normal medium-size...
Melting Point - Secret
Color Changing Deck - Performance
Defy all expectations with this card trick that your audience will never forget. This is something they will always ask you about from the second they see it. A spectator’s selected card is magically shown to be the only card in the deck with a different color back. But when it’s added to the top...
Color Changing Deck - Secret
Setup: All you need is two regular decks of playing cards with different colored backs and their card boxes. We will use the example of starting with a red deck as shown in the video. You will also need a double-backed card with red back on one side and blue on the other. You can make your own by...
Notepad Prediction - Performance
Create the illusion that you’re predicting the future with everyday props. In a way you’ve never seen before, an ordinary notepad reveals a selected card. It takes everything we know about card tricks and elevates it to a full routine that is simple and easy to perform. By using something in plai...
Notepad Prediction - Secret
Grab a pen and notepad, a deck of cards, and add your own personal flare to perform this trick. Best yet, you probably already have everything you need to perform it. While the secret to this trick is simple, it is sure to keep your audience on the edge of their seats. We know you’ll have this tr...
Water to Ice - Performance
The spectator pours some water into your mug. They hold their hand over the mug and quickly start to feel the water drop in temperature. You flip over the mug to reveal the water has transformed into ice cubes! This trick is ideal to perform at a restaurant, bar, or cafe.
Water to Ice - Secret
Magician Fooler - Performance
Once in a while a trick comes along that is a top-tier fooler. It can devastate other magicians because they can’t see how it’s done. That gives you a great advantage over them. Gain more respect with this effect. You give your spectator a small number of cards and ask them to select only one. Th...
Magician Fooler - Secret
Setup: This effect can be performed with any regular deck of cards. There’s no smoke or mirrors involved, either. Use the specific cards shown in the video for the setup. Make sure they are rotated to have the majority of their pips facing upward. For example, the top four spades on a six of spad...
Red / Black - Performance
World-touring magician Reza has taken time out of his busy schedule to bring you this mind-blowing card trick. He believes you will be able to learn this effect right away. You’ve got this. Make your volunteer truly feel like they are in control of what happens to the cards. From the moment you b...
Red / Black - Secret
Get ready to dive into the magic archives. Almost no one can ever figure out the secret to this effect. And that’s to your advantage. As Reza says, this is a practically self-working card trick. The procedure is a mystery to many spectators. It can even fool magicians. The most convincing part of...