30 Tips & Tricks with Eddy Ray
Rope Magic will astonish your audience and can be picked up quickly! Eddy Ray’s teaching will take you step-by-step into the world of rope magic.
One Handed Knot
Triple Knot Appearance
Self Tying Knot Performance
Throw Knot
Classic Professor's Nightmare
Alteration of Professor's Nightmare
Cut and Restore Rope Version 1
Cut and Restore Rope Version 2
Cut and Restore Rope Version 3
Cut and Restore Rope Version 4
Comedy Cut and Restored Rope
Threading the Needle
You Do As I Do
Finger Ring Off Shoelace
Bowtie Knot
Endless Loop
Three to One
Stretching the Rope
Stiff Rope
Cut and Restored String
Silk Through Rope
Thumb the Escape
Kellar Rope Tie Escape
Rope and Ring Routine