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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Self Control

100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter • 5m 32s

Up Next in 100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter

  • Five Card Mental Force

    THE following five cards are placed face up in an even row on the table, KH, 7C, AD, 4H and 9D. The performer addresses a spectator, somewhat as follows: "I have picked out five cards at random and I want you to mentally select just one. You have an unrestricted choice and You must not think that...

  • You Do As I Do

    IN THIS version the two packs are shuffled and exchanged, then both are again shuffled and exchanged but before handing over your pack you sight the top card. The best way to do this is to sight the bottom card when taking the pack from the spectator then with an overhand shuffle bring that card ...

  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    EFFECT. A card selected by spectator while pack is in his own hands, placed in performer's pack and card selected by performer from his pack, placed in spectator's pack. These two unknown selected cards turn out to be the same card. Unprepared packs. REQUIREMENTS. Two ordinary packs, same size, w...