Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
6m 48s
EFFECT. A card selected by spectator while pack is in his own hands, placed in performer's pack and card selected by performer from his pack, placed in spectator's pack. These two unknown selected cards turn out to be the same card. Unprepared packs. REQUIREMENTS. Two ordinary packs, same size, white border; one Red-back pack and one Blue-back pack.
SECRET. Hand one pack to spectator. Before handing it to him, palm off any card. This could be in the lower waistcoat pocket or in the act of handing him the pack retain one of his cards on the bottom of the pack you hold. Now have him fan his pack, you fanning yours at the same time. Back up, being careful not to expose the bottom card. Now ask him to thoroughly shuffle his pack while you shuffle yours. Execute the overhand shuffle with the face of your cards toward the spectator. First in overhand shuffle draw off his card you have retained to the back of pack, and remember this card, still executing overhand shuffle, until you reach the same card in your own pack, which is a duplicate of his card. When you reach it stop the shuffle, leaving this card on the bottom. Now draw off this card singly to the back picking up rest of the pack, shuffle off leaving his card again on the bottom. You should now have his card on the bottom and the same card from your pack on top. Now ask the spectator to remove any card from his pack which he is holding. Be sure spectator does not see face of this card. Lift or cut your pack about the center and have spectator place any card from his pack at the point you have cut. In placing upper half of pack on his card, execute the slip or draw the top card of pack off on top of card he has just placed into your pack. Insert little finger on top of this card, placing the two halves together, you are now ready to execute the two-hand pass. Remark to the spectator while you execute the pass, to cut his pack about the center. This acts as good misdirection for the pass. The two hand pass automatically brings bottom card to center and the one he just placed in pack second from top. Lift the two top cards as one, NOT EXPOSING FACE, and place in center of his pack. His card loses itself in his pack, leaving one opposite color card in each pack. Upon spectator removing your card from his pack and you removing his card from your pack they prove to be the same card. Both packs can now be examined as there is nothing wrong with them. Even the advanced card man cannot dope the method unless you give it to him.
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