Sagacious Joker
100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
6m 50s
USING any pack, the Joker is first placed face up and a spectator is asked to shuffle the cards, then take out any face-down card and without looking at it put it in his inside coat pocket with its back outwards. This done he passes the pack to a second person who does the same thing. The process is repeated with a third and fourth person. Thus four cards have been selected at random and even the spectators who have them in their pockets do not know what cards they are. You take the pack, remove the Joker and touching it to each person's pocket you call the names of the cards correctly. To do this take the face-down pack, spread it to find the face-up Joker, cut to bring it to the top. Make a double lift taking the next face down card with the Joker and holding the two as one. Keep the Joker with its face squarely to the front and as you go to the first spectator sight the index of the card behind the Joker. Touch the Joker to his pocket and slowly tell the value of the card just sighted, then to get the suit insert the Joker in his pocket, drop the card from behind it and pick up in its place the card that was in the pocket. Take care to get it squarely behind before removing the Joker. Now name the suit. Spectator takes the card from his pocket and shows it. You sight the index of the new card behind the Joker and repeat the process. Always name either the suit or the color before inserting the Joker in the pocket.
Up Next in 100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
Cards of Chance
IN THIS trick a special move is necessary that is not at all difficult. It is to apparently show the faces of all the cards but to keep one hidden. You have the card on the top, turn pack face outwards and run the cards off one by one from the left hand into the right. When you are about two thir...
Card Detectives
WITH any pack, after it has been well shuffled, secretly sight the two top cards. Riffle shuffle retaining these cards on the top. Put the pack down and have a spectator cut it at about the middle. Invite him to touch one packet. Whichever he touches interpret his choice so that he gets the one w...
Wad Hustle