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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Impenetrable Stop Trick

100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter • 5m 3s

Up Next in 100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter

  • Think of a Card

    HAVE a spectator shuffle the pack, take it and run cards from the left hand into the right, asking him to stop you at any point. When he does so separate the cards at that point and hold the right-hand packet before his eyes, spreading the indices of the last five or six cards and telling him to ...

  • New Card Discovery

    USING any pack that has been freely shuffled, secretly note and remember the top and bottom cards. Looking through the pack to remove the Joker gives a good opportunity for doing this. Then riffle shuffle letting the last card of the left-hand portion fall first, and the last card of the right-ha...

  • Detected by Fingerprints or Pulse

    IN TAKING back a pack which has been shuffled by a spectator, note and remember the bottom card. Turn your back and holding the pack behind you invite a spectator to make a free cut, then take off the card on the lower section, look at it and remember it. As he looks at it turn facing him and exp...