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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Think of a Card

100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter • 10m

Up Next in 100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter

  • New Card Discovery

    USING any pack that has been freely shuffled, secretly note and remember the top and bottom cards. Looking through the pack to remove the Joker gives a good opportunity for doing this. Then riffle shuffle letting the last card of the left-hand portion fall first, and the last card of the right-ha...

  • Detected by Fingerprints or Pulse

    IN TAKING back a pack which has been shuffled by a spectator, note and remember the bottom card. Turn your back and holding the pack behind you invite a spectator to make a free cut, then take off the card on the lower section, look at it and remember it. As he looks at it turn facing him and exp...

  • Transposition Extraordinary

    REQUIRED two packs, one red-backed, the other blue, also a double-backed card, one side red the other side blue, to match the packs. The double-backed card is set, blue side up on the blue-backed pack. Allow a spectator to take any card from the blue pack, examine it and place it face up on that ...