Subtle Method of Setting the Deck Openly
4m 0s
HERE is a way to set a pack, which may have been borrowed, right in front of the spectators. Have a card selected, noted, returned and secretly pass it to the top. Bring it to the bottom with an overhand shuffle and sight it, then send it to the middle with a riffle shuffle. State that you will deal the cards one at a time and instruct the person that when he sees his card he is to think 'STOP,' but if you should pass it by, he is not to say a word. Hold the pack face down and deal the cards on the table one by one, turning them face up and here is where the trickery lies. Suppose that the first card has its indicator at the outer end of the card, turn the card over sideways in placing it face up and turn all the cards that follow with the indicators at the top in the same way, sideways. When you come to a card with the indicator at the inner end, turn it endwise as you lay it face up and treat all other cards pointing inwards in the same fashion. When you turn the chosen card you give no hint that you know it is the card the person selected but you turn the next card in such a way that its indicator will be reversed, and when the whole pack has been dealt it will be the only one reversed. Confess you have failed and spread the cards out face down, spot the reversed card and running your forefinger along the line thrust it down on the next card above, the chosen card. You have merely to set the one reversed card right and the pack is all set for one-way effects.