Hunter's Aces
THE plot of the trick is the usual one. Four A's are placed on a table and three indifferent cards put on each. One pile is chosen, the A's vanish from the other three piles and all four are found in the pile selected. The use of double-faced cards makes the trick easy to work and very convincing. Three special cards are required; double-faced A's of H, C and D, which show indifferent cards on the backs. To prepare the pack; turn it face upwards and put the double cards at intervals near the bottom with the A sides showing. Next place the regular AS between the second and third fake A's. The other three A's of the pack must lie seventh, eighth and ninth from the top. Begin by turning the pack face up and remove four A's (three faked ones and the regular AS), and lay them face up on the table with the AS as the third card in the row. Be careful not to expose the lower side of the faked cards but you may flash the back of the real AS. From the top of the pack take off three cards, show the faces casually and put them face down on the first A. Take the next three cards, again give a
slight flash of their faces and drop them on the second A. The next three cards, the three real A's, you take off and drop on the AS. Without showing the faces, and finally, take three more cards and drop them on the last A. The third pile must now be forced. You may either use the old method of having the two piles touched, and then one pile-using the old take or leave equivoque--or you may ask for a number between one and four to be named. This leaves two and three the only possible numbers, either of which brings you to the required pile according to which end you begin the count from. In any case pile No. 3 is placed aside. You order the A's to pass to the chosen heap with whatever hocus pocus you may affect. Pick up the first pile with your right hand, the three top cards face down and the fake A up. Raise the hand, push the top card off and throw it face up on the table with a quick turn of the wrist. Raise the hand again but this time push out the fake A with the fingers and throw it A side down on top of the first card. Continue without hesitation by throwing the next card as you did the first, One card, an indifferent one, remains in your hand; turn it face upwards quickly, snap it with your fingers, showing it freely and drop it on the others. The A has vanished. Proceed in exactly the same way with the other two piles, but vary the throw of the fake card with each pile. It is advisable to throw the cards all in one heap and drop the pack face up on them after the throw of the last card.