Card into Pocket
1m 28s
A FAKE is required consisting of two pieces of cardboard, a little larger than a card, fastened together around two sides and one end byadhesive tape or pasted paper. There should be space enough between the pieces of cardboard to take three cards. Half an inch from the top of each piece and midway between the sides is a hole, large enough for a thread to pass freely. Put a thread between both pieces and make a knot at one end to prevent it slipping right through. Thread the other end in a needle and put the fake in your upper left waistcoat pocket. Pass the needle through the bottom of the pocket and thence inside the waistcoat and trousers and finally through the lining at the top of the left trousers pocket. Withdraw the thread from the needle and tie a small wire ring to the end. If a card is pushed into the fake the thread will be carried down to the bottom of it, and a pull on the thread will cause the card to rise apparently from the pocket. With a fake thus prepared have a card selected and bring the duplicate to the top. Turn away so that the card may be shown, take the duplicate and slip it into the fake. The real chosen card is then replaced in the pack, the pack squared and you order the card to leave pack, go to your waistcoat pocket and then rise from it. The necessary motive power is given by your thumb which you slip into the ring in your left trousers pocket and pull gently downwards.