Psychokinesis with Silverware
In this comprehensive course, you will watch and learn over 20 different moves perfected by master illusionist, Ben Salinas. You will learn the illusion of making basic utensils move, twist, and bend using nothing but your mind.
2 Handed Bend
Elbow Bend
One Handed Bend
Table Bend #1
Table Bend #2
Table Bend #3
Reverse Bend
Covered Table Bend
Fork Time Bend #1
Fork Time Bend #2
Chair Bend
Optical Bend
Visual Reveal
Gravity Reveal
Pivot Reveal
Rub Bend #1
Rub Bend Explained #2
Wilting Move
Rigged/Melting Spoon
"El Alacran" the Scorpion
The Nail Bend