Curl Palm
Master's Coin Magic Illusion Kit
An extension of the Tenkai Palm is this move, the Curl Palm. Curl Palm holds the coin along the middle fiddle and curls around it. This action creates a shield around the coin and frees up the thumb, allowing for you to multitask while hiding the coin. Maybe you could pick up a handkerchief or silk to add to this segment of your routine.
Up Next in Master's Coin Magic Illusion Kit
Full Palm
Ben demonstrates what he uses to produce a jumbo coin from a spectator's ear. The Full Palm is almost like a classic palm done with a jumbo coin, but a bit different for some obviously big reasons. Your fingers will wrap around and over the coin, with your thumb running along its edge. This is th...
Basic Productions
Now to move into some of the basic productions to be utilized with jumbo coins. Ben kicks it off with the Full Palm Production. To perform this you'll need to push your thumb underneath the coin, and kick it upwards to your fingertips. Keep in mind, the more of the coin you show and the less hand...
Jumbo Coin Production
Now you'll learn how to produce a jumbo coin from a regular-sized one. Just like the Shuttle Pass, you'll be substituting one coin for another, just with a bit larger results. This is something that'll come in handy later when practicing the Flurry routine.