Thumb Palm
Master's Coin Magic Illusion Kit
1m 7s
In one swift movement from the tips of your fingers to your thumb, you'll clip the coin so smooth and quickly that no one will be able to figure out where it disappeared to. Another subtlety you'll want to keep in your back pocket for more exhilarating coin magic to come.
Up Next in Master's Coin Magic Illusion Kit
Downs Palm
From the crowned "King of Koins" T. Nelson Downs, comes the Downs Palm. This classic handling allows you to easily vanish a coin, and to make it reappear just as effortlessly. You'll even be able to present an empty hand to your audience after completing this compelling concealment.
Back Clip
The Back Clip, also known as the Tenkai Pinch, the coin disappears by being quite literally clipped out to the back the hand. Once you've ushered the coin out the rear side of your hand, your pinky will clip it into place. If you're careful to mind your angles when performing this move, it'll giv...
Back Palm
Now, Ben presents a classic coin move from the olden days of coin manipulation. To perform the Back Palm, you'll do just that - palm the coin on the backside of your hand. You'll swoop your two middle fingers down and underneath the coin, scooping to the back of your hand. Perfecting this move wi...