Master Mental Mystery
Bicycle Stripper Exclusive Learning Materials
3m 44s
ANY pack may be used: have it thoroughly shuffled by a spectator and in taking it back sight the bottom card. Put the pack on the table after secretly making a mark on the top card with your thumbnail. Instruct the spectators that after you leave the room some of them (any number) are to draw cards from the middle, look at them, put them on top and finally cut the pack ad lib. with complete cuts. This done you return, take the pack, run over the faces of the cards, note the previous bottom card and quietly cut it to the bottom, at the same time noting the card next below it which will be the fast of the selected cards to be replaced. Take off the top cards one by one, reversing their order, till you come to the card you marked with your nail and this gives you the number of cards chosen. Next miscall the first of these as being the card you noted next your key card. Note what it really is as you put it down, and miscall the next by its name and so on up to the last card.
Up Next in Bicycle Stripper Exclusive Learning Materials
Think of a Card
HAVE a spectator shuffle the pack, take it and run cards from the left hand into the right, asking him to stop you at any point. When he does so separate the cards at that point and hold the right-hand packet before his eyes, spreading the indices of the last five or six cards and telling him to ...
Alice in Wonderland
A DOUBLE-BACKED card is required. Have this on the top of the pack. False shuffle and cut, leaving it in that position. Allow a spectator to make a free choice of one card and note it. Cut the pack about the middle, at the same time slipping the double-backed card on top of the lower portion, and...
Transposition Extraordinary
REQUIRED two packs, one red-backed, the other blue, also a double-backed card, one side red the other side blue, to match the packs. The double-backed card is set, blue side up on the blue-backed pack. Allow a spectator to take any card from the blue pack, examine it and place it face up on that ...