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  • Thought in Person

    FROM a one-way pack which has been thoroughly shuffled fan off five cards in the right hand, turn the rest of the cards face down and hold the pack with its outer end pointing to the right. Hold the fanned five cards with their faces towards a spectator and ask him to mentally select just one car...

  • Svengali Deck

    THIS special pack consists of twenty-six ordinary cards, all different, and twenty-six short cards all of the same suit and value. The latter may be narrower as well as shorter, but short duplicates only are generally used. The pack is set up by arranging the two sets alternately, thus every othe...

  • The Mene-Tekel Deck

    IT IS not certainly known who devised this variation of the combination of long and short cards, but the title, 'Mene-Tekel', was first applied to it by the late W. D. Leroy, the well-known magical dealer of Boston. Like the Svengali pack it consists of twenty-six ordinary cards and twenty-six sh...