Topsy Turvy
Bicycle Stripper Exclusive Learning Materials
8m 31s
Simon demonstrates two versions of Topsy Turvy. First, Simon demonstrates his version that includes a control. After, Simon will show Frank Garcia's version which was based on moves by the famous Canadian magician, Dai Vernon and Tenkai moves. Both version start with a good shuffley-wuffley, though.
Up Next in Bicycle Stripper Exclusive Learning Materials
All Backs
This move will prove to your audience that you're a true psychic due to your uncanny ability to know the order of the deck before ever even seeing it... just its backs. Although, by the end of the trick, they'll be seeing all backs too. When you're finished, all you'll have to do is snap your fin...
Out of Town Kings
Two of the kings in your deck are going to be your little helpers with this trick. They are going to lead you right to your spectator's card. If they can't find the card, however, they have a tendency to get a little blue for letting you down.
A Surprise Package
In this little routine you'll find yourself creating more than one king sandwiches. These sandwiches include startling color changes, transpositions and more. Again, your four kings will lead you straight to your spectator's chosen card again and again.