Learn the Levitation Kit on MasterMagicTricks.com

Learn the Levitation Kit on MasterMagicTricks.com

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Make everyday objects levitate, spin, and dance. (Gravity is optional). Learn how to use this indispensable part of any magician's collection! Easy to learn, these videos are ideal for anchoring in levitation effects, marking cards, and vanishes.

Rising Card: Magically cause a spectator’s card to rise right out of the deck.
Floating Bill: Cause any dollar bill from a spectator to levitate moving your hands around it.
Spinning Card: Spectators will be shocked when you make a card spin through your hands and around your body.
Corked: Effortlessly levitate a cork from the top of a bottle to the palm of your hand.
Rising Pen: Control a pen from any container to your hand without even touching it.
Crazy Ring: Make a ring rise, float, and spin in mid-air.
Invisible Bridge: Cause objects to float above what seems to be an invisible bridge above a single card.
Flying Bottle Cap: Amaze everyone when you make a bottle cap spin like a flying saucer.
The Haunted Deck: Without even touching the deck, mysteriously cut a pack of cards in half, and watch as only one card swings out.

Learn the Levitation Kit on MasterMagicTricks.com
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    You are at the final destination for learning all the magic secrets of a world class magician. With access to over 4000 tricks, you will have choices from Mind Reading, Card Tricks and EVERYTHING in-between. Enjoy - Rob Stiff / Founder of Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

  • Invisible Bridge

    Cause objects to float above what seems to be an invisible bridge above a single card.

  • Flying Bottle Cap

    Amaze everyone when you make a bottle cap spin like a flying saucer.

  • Floating Bill

    Cause any dollar bill from a spectator to levitate moving your hands around it.

  • The Haunted Deck

    Without even touching the deck, mysteriously cut a pack of cards in half, and watch as only one card swings out.

  • Rising Card

    Magically cause a spectator’s card to rise right out of the deck.

  • Spinning Card

    Spectator’s will be shocked when you make a card spin through your hands and around your body.

  • Rising Pen

    Control a pen from any container to your hand without even touching it.

  • Crazy Ring

    Make a ring rise, float, and spin in mid-air.

  • Corked

    Effortlessly levitate a cork from the top of a bottle to the palm of your hand.