Learn Spring Animal on MasterMagicTricks.com
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The spring begins from the back of the head and extends to the rear of the animal. As you grip the spring animal, you can feel the spring inside. The spring can be flexed to create life-like behavior.
Tricks and Routines:
Rest him on your arm with your fingers wrapped around his body. While petting him, you can flop the tail with your opposite hand so he looks like he’s alert and energized. Use small movements for realistic motion.
The spring is compressed downward as shown. Gradually release the spring and it will appear as if he is climbing up your body. Practice different release speeds to perform other tricks as part of a routine.
Place your pointer finger under the neck and pull back part of the spring, forcing the head down into your opposite hand. The movements should not look too controlled or predictable. He can also reject the food or look around at spectators. The more you interact with him, the more life-like he will appear.
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Learn Spring Animal