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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Anti-Gravity Ring

Jaw Droppers • 3m 40s

Up Next in Jaw Droppers

  • Houdini Hanky

    Harry Houdini is one of the most famous escapologists to this day, even considered to be the best ever by many. To be an escapologist, one has to have a peculiar knack for wiggling themselves out of tight spaces and potentially dangerous or risky situations. Do you think you have what it takes?

  • The Flighty Coin Pt. 1

    Have you been practicing your teleportation skills lately? If you have, it will absolutely come in handy with this next move. This trick requires you to possess the ability to teleport a coin right through solid matter. Think you're ready? All you need is one coin.

  • The Flighty Coin Pt. 2

    Larry explains and walks through how to perform the Flighty Coin trick for an audience. Similarly to many previous moves you've witnessed, there is more going on here than meets the eye. Speaking of, you're going to need another coin for this.