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Selected Cards Pass Through a Handkerchief

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Finding a Card in Any Position

Stripper Deck - The Complete Course on • 3m 21s

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  • Selected Cards Pass Through a Handker...

    WITH the selected card reversed in the pack as usual, hold the pack by the two ends between your hands, face downwards. Ask the spectator to throw a handkerchief over the pack. Then saying, 'Perhaps it will be better to have the pack in sight all the time,' draw the pack away with one hand, the o...

  • At Any Number from Pocket

    WHEN the shuffled pack with the reversed chosen card is returned to you, cut the pack once at the chosen card bringing it to the bottom. Place the pack in a spectator's pocket, sighting the card but not allowing anyone else to see it. Have a number called. Bring the cards out one by one taking th...

  • Card through Handkerchief

    THE effect is that a card is selected, replaced in the pack and the pack wrapped in a handkerchief. This is then gently shaken and the card penetrates it. After the pack with the reversed chosen card is returned to you, lay it face up on your right palm with the narrow ends inwards. Throw the han...