Eidetic Change
Hotshot with Cards: Volumes 1 & 2
1m 20s
Ben introduces another classic color change, Ed Marlo's Eidetic Change. The Eidetic Change is truly exciting for audiences because of how open it is compared to other tricks. They'll believe they're seeing everything, so no funny business could possibly be happening here. All you'll need to pull this color change off is a double sided card.
Up Next in Hotshot with Cards: Volumes 1 & 2
Double Fan on Table
This flashy color change simply requires you know how to do a one handed fan in both hands. A sweep with both of the fans will produce a spectacular color change that'll even have you wondering how you do it.
Double Lift
Now it's time to use that good ol' Double Lift as a color change. If you're well-versed in the Double Lift, you'll have absolutely no problems turning it into a delightful color change. That's because there's really not much else to it than that.
Push in Change
Do you think the cards in your deck have their own special magic? After this trick, your audience sure will. Using a double lift, you'll insert your top card into the middle of the deck where it will mystery transform. The card you inserted and the card you pulled out won't be the same. Are the o...