Extreme Change - Complete Collection on MasterMagicTricks.com
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Do you want access to over 4,000 magic tricks? Magic Makers Inc. invites you to subscribe to our streaming platform Master Magic Tricks, the new home to our complete video library. Are you ready to unlock the largest collection of card tricks, mind-reading, and sleight of hand magic on the planet?
Extreme is exactly what happens in your hands when you perform this effect.
Take an ordinary bill and transform it into different currencies and then back again!
You can even show both sides of the bill to prove you have done real magic...
Build Your Magic Skills - Are you ready?
You are at the final destination for learning all the magic secrets of a world class magician. With access to over 4000 tricks, you will have choices from Mind Reading, Card Tricks and EVERYTHING in-between. Enjoy - Rob Stiff / Founder of Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers
How it Works: Extreme Change
Make the Bill Face Down
Presentation: Extreme Change
How to Perform: Extreme Change
How to Set it Up
Demonstration: Extreme Change