The Haley Reversed Card
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
5m 13s
THE invention of the late Louis Haley, this trick first appeared in print in The Genii, Oct. 1936. First secretly give the inner end of the whole pack a sharp bend by squeezing the inner corners downward between the left second finger and thumb over the first finger which is doubled below the pack. Reverse the lower half facing upwards, with a bridge between the two portions at the rear. Fan the upper face-down cards, being careful not to expose any of the reversed cards, and have a card selected and noted. Take it back in the right hand, face down, and push it into the lower half of the pack. Square the pack with both hands, seize the upper half with the right hand, the thumb finding the break instantly by touch alone, and retain the lower half in the left hand. Separate the hands quickly, and instantly turn the lower half over bringing its cards also face down. Proceed at once to a riffle shuffle, keeping the cards well covered by the hands as the corners are riffled in so that the reversed card cannot be seen. Give the magical command, have the card named, fan the pack and show it is reversed. This is perhaps the best method yet devised for reversing a single card.
Up Next in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter
Under Cover
EFFECT. Any pack may be used. Performer turns his back. A spectator freely selects a card, replaces it reversed in the middle of the pack, squares the cards and lays a handkerchief over them. Performer lifts the pack and handkerchief and a card is seen to rise from the pack raising the fabric. Th...
The Reversed Countdown Trick
THIS is one of the easiest as well as one of the most effective presentations of this often seen effect. The magician has a card selected from a group of cards cut from the top of the pack. An elastic band is snapped around the performer's half of the pack and the selected card is returned to the...
Count Your Cards
A CARD is taken, noted, replaced and the pack shuffled and cut. The pack is handed to the spectator with the request that he find his own card and save the performer worry and trouble. Ask him to start dealing the cards face down, to stop at any number he may think of between one and ten so that ...