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Your Numbers Up Secret

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Your Numbers Up Performance

DominaTricks: 25 Self Working Card Tricks • 1m 22s

Up Next in DominaTricks: 25 Self Working Card Tricks

  • Your Numbers Up Secret

    Setup: All you need is a regular deck of playing cards. Make a packet of eight cards: the first seven cards represent the audience member’s phone number, and the top card is a face-up seven card of any suit. Hide that pre-stacked group of cards at the bottom of the deck.

    Pro Tip: It doesn’t m...

  • Your Numbers up

    Do you really want to shock your spectator? If so, this trick will more than exceed your expectations. All you have to do is find their card and be a bit of an industrial spy. It probably wouldn't hurt to know their phone number beforehand too.

  • Three Chip Bet

    Are you a gambler? Simon demonstrates a bet that's been going around. The only thing you need to know is, don't take the bet. Harry Lorayne's Three Chip Bet will beat your spectator every single time.