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The Trick That Fooled Einstein

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Introduction: Dominatricks

DominaTricks: 25 Self Working Card Tricks • 48s

Up Next in DominaTricks: 25 Self Working Card Tricks

  • The Trick That Fooled Einstein

    Simon presents a trick that John Northern Hilliard once described as nearly 12,000 years old in his 1994 book Greater Magic (with More Greater Magic). Hilliard was right, this trick has had a very long and interesting theory popping up in various publications until it was popularized by the Engli...

  • Out of this World Performance

    Have you ever wanted to know the power of separating black and red cards in a deck…using magic? We’ve got your back on this very clever card trick. The most fascinating part of this effect is totally unexpected. As you deal each card of the deck face-down into piles by two colors (black and red),...

  • Out of this World Secret

    There are many versions of this trick. Simon Lovell wants you to learn the most streamlined and easy method. Splitting up cards based on black or red color is easy to do when the cards are face-up. So that’s why it’s even more amazing when your spectator sorts them face-down like a real genius.
