Horses & Stables
Bar Tricks- Learn & Master Bar Tricks
1m 40s
Imagine this, a farmer has ten horses and only nine stables. Each horse needs a place to sleep tonight and none of them get along. How can the farmer possibly solve this conundrum? Would you like a hint? It has to do with a little bit of wordplay.
Up Next in Bar Tricks- Learn & Master Bar Tricks
Fireproof Fingers
Watch as Simon dupes Rebecca not once, but twice with some clever match tricks. First, you'll learn how to actually lit a match underwater. If that wasn't enough, Simon will then demonstrate how to have fireproof fingers. No matter how long you hold the match, your fingers will never burn. Are yo...
Knotted Cigarette
Simon bets you that he can tie a cigarette into a knot. Yes, an actual knot. He even goes as far as to claim that even after it's been tied into a perfect little bow, the cigarette will still be totally and completely smokable. Is it sounding a little too farfetched? You should never underestimat...
Tooth Pick Math
We're nearing the end of this little PhD course in bar betchas. Before we get to the very end, Simon throws in another little math trick... using cocktail toothpicks this time, though. Your spectator needs to solve the math equation using roman numerals, but they aren't allowed to touch the tooth...