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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Instant Triumph

Araki: Card Master • 4m 29s

Up Next in Araki: Card Master

  • Spiral Cut

    A simple flourish that is just as fun to learn as it is flashy. This move will impress your audience by demonstrating your unquestionable control over your deck and your undeniable dexterity.

  • Spiral Cut Control

    This move builds off of the previous flourish Araki previously demonstrated. Instead though, you'll learn to use it as a means to control a card instead of just as a fancy attention-grabber.

  • Floating Deck

    Call it telekinesis, levitation, ability to affect gravity - they're all in the same ballpark. They're all talents your audience will believe you possess with Araki's floating deck trick. A floating deck that'll add some mostly effortless fun to any routine.