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Watch this video and more on Master Magic Tricks by Magic Makers

Controlling Several Cards

100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter • 2m 52s

Up Next in 100 Card Tricks with Rudy Hunter

  • Card into Pocket

    A FAKE is required consisting of two pieces of cardboard, a little larger than a card, fastened together around two sides and one end byadhesive tape or pasted paper. There should be space enough between the pieces of cardboard to take three cards. Half an inch from the top of each piece and midw...

  • Coincidence Mene-Tekel

    FOR this effect, which Mr. Gravatt considers one of the best of the tricks of its type extant, you require a Mene-Tekel pack having red backs, and an ordinary pack with blue backs. Show the red-backed cards all different, have a card selected, and bring the duplicate to the top. Take the chosen c...

  • One in Four

    THE plot of the trick is the usual one. Four A's are placed on a table and three indifferent cards put on each. One pile is chosen, the A's vanish from the other three piles and all four are found in the pile selected. The use of double-faced cards makes the trick easy to work and very convincing...