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Restored Card Secret

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Restored Card Performance

10 Magic Tricks You Need To Know • 1m 47s

Up Next in 10 Magic Tricks You Need To Know

  • Restored Card Secret

    Setup: All you need is a regular deck of cards and a black marker. There are no other props or gimmicks required.

    Carefully do a “double-lift” as you pick up two cards appearing to be only one. Fold both cards horizontally, then open up the top card. Continue the folding pattern as shown. The...

  • Phasing Card Box-Performance

    Here’s a fantastic effect to do at the beginning of any card trick. It’s also a great way to reveal that all the cards in the deck are different. You will use a little optical illusion that no one sees coming. Hold a deck in your palm, then magically press the card case onto it from above. All th...

  • Phasing Card Box-Secret

    What you will need: Clear tape, scissors, a regular deck of playing cards, and the card box.

    As shown in the video, cut off a thin white piece from a card, making sure it’s the same width as the short end of a card. Then tape that piece to the front of another facedown card. When you hold these ...